Basic rules concept
- 2 teams of 2 players
- Co-op Competitive
- Each team tries to escape by doing 'tasks'
- 'Tasks' consist of
- Rock paper scissors where every player throws in a rock, paper or scissors card, the team that initiated the task wins if they get *3* of a kind
- Collected 'items' from the board to complete a required set
- Once all tasks have been completed the players rush to the escape pods
- The teams are split so that each member starts on each side of the board
- The modularity of this game idea means that the 'Tasks' or mini-games can be swapped out and replaced without affecting any of the themes or narrative elements.
- There are many levels of symmetry from the number of player to the team sizes to the form of the board.
- The elements of this game idea could easily systemise and convey a multitude of aesthetic and thematic ideas.
- It piggybacks a currently very popular gameplay concept to help players quickly understand its rules
- Supports various board shapes and styles.
- The oppositional nature of the team set up encourages the teams to try to communicate without giving anything away to the other players. This should give rise to bluffing and double bluffing etc.
Potential gameplay conceits
- The players are trapped on a space station and space weirdness has caused them to be duplicated. classic kill the fake/copy hijinks ensue
- Evil cooperation has taken over the planet and made everyone conform to its ideals the players are rebels trying to escape from its evil clutches by breaking its imposed conformity/symmetry
- One team of players are working for an evil entity that is trying to enforce conformity and rigorous structure, the others are rebels trying to escape/destroy the status quo. (this would focus on each team playing differently and having different goals)
This idea I feel has the most potential to incorporate the theme of symmetry. I can use a circular board with multiple lines of symmetry as well as contrasting the two player teams against each other. The same is true the different sub or mini-games, I can curate these to leverage the theme to its ultimate potential.
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