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Technical tutorial : Unity and Visual Studio

Bean Life

I created Bean life today using Maya, Unity and Visual Studio. I exported the segments of the corridor we had made in a previous tutorial into Unity. I then assemble the pieces in a scene into a simple maze. This was even quicker than it was in Maya, being able to duplicate and then snap into place the pieces with very fewer button presses made creating the level very quick and quite enjoyable. I realised through creating the maze that I don't know how to snap rotation points in Unity which is a bit of a stumbling block I need to resolve.

After creating the maze I created a Player Controller in the form of the red bean, attached the camera then used Visual Studio to write the code to turn the keyboard inputs into movement as well as gravity and ground check. The results are as seen above. 

I am very pleased with the whole process, it was far easier than I thought I would be while still having the expected head-scratching because of code that doesn't work. With a little help from the people near me, we found my wayward semi-colon and the code worked! I'm looking forward to doing more coding as I found this very rewarding.  
