The PoƤng of Art Glastonbury Dam, By Tyler Edlin, can be broken down into one large cube for the central building of the castle with another rotated and reduced for the roof. The wall is comprised of 4 cylinders with cones on top for the rooves. The tunnel section of the wall could be constructed from rectangles and cylinders using the difference boolean. For the details on the turrets themselves such as the wooden beams, I would use rectangles sunken into the surface to create the depth present in the facade. Alot of the surface detail is heavily repeated on a micro-scale and then on a macro-scale so I would probably try to create a detailed wall for example by creating the largest parts first then cut to get the tunnel, then add the rectangles to make up the supports on one small section and copy that across its breadth. Finally, I would then copy the whole thing for the other walls and make any changes that need to be made to distinguish them. using the same technique I would make t...
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