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Board Game : Development pt 1

Working Title : Escape the Duality

The Hook

The world has been regimented and ordered for optimal efficiency. There is no war between nations, factions or tribes. Everyone is provided with a place to eat, a place to work and a place to sleep. As a result of this productivity has rocketed to an all-time high. Value is being created at a rate hitherto unthinkable by mankind. 

However, there is a growing segment of the workforce that inexplicably feels the need to disrupt our work.  They eat whenever they want to, they sleep for more than the optimal 7.45 hours and they constantly miss their value production targets.

These (insert name of rebel faction) are a stain on the exquisite fabric of our society. As with all blemishes they must be (removed) for the good of all.
Above Text Not Final

With this flavour text, I'm attempting to help the players by framing the rest of the information they hear about the game within this context of big bad authority crushing the little guy. This should mean that players will understand that as the rebels their goals opposite to the cooperate stooges and vice versa without need to go into exhaustive detail justify every minor objective.


  • Fun and engaging surface-level gameplay
  • Mechanics that actively convey the themes
  • A simple list of actions that the player can take per turn
  • Randomness used sparingly but should feel impactful
  • Aim for an hour to play a full game
  • Clear and readable board
  • Minimal play pieces
  • No hard fail states

I set myself a list of goals to try to keep to. This means that if I'm ever struggling with an idea I can weight it against the goals and if it either violates one of the goals or doesn't actively work towards one of them then it gets cut.
