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Showing posts from January, 2021

Art and Design Exercises : Decontructing Art into Basic Shapes for 3D Modeling, Glastonbury Dam

The Poäng of Art Glastonbury Dam, By Tyler Edlin, can be broken down into one large cube for the central building of the castle with another rotated and reduced for the roof. The wall is comprised of 4 cylinders with cones on top for the rooves. The tunnel section of the wall could be constructed from rectangles and cylinders using the difference boolean. For the details on the turrets themselves such as the wooden beams, I would use rectangles sunken into the surface to create the depth present in the facade. Alot of the surface detail is heavily repeated on a micro-scale and then on a macro-scale so I would probably try to create a detailed wall for example by creating the largest parts first then cut to get the tunnel, then add the rectangles to make up the supports on one small section and copy that across its breadth. Finally, I would then copy the whole thing for the other walls and make any changes that need to be made to distinguish them. using the same technique I would make t...

2D Side Scroller : Final Version

Ninja Frog Training Here is a link to play the final version of my game The goal is to get your Ninja Frog through the trials. You'll need to platform, solve puzzles and avoid spikes to make your way through levels of increasing difficulty to get to the golden room at the end. The Controls appear on Screen but for clarity here they are again: W,A,D to Move S to Crouch SPACE to Jump CTRL to Reset to the last Checkpoint This version features: A complete set of 3 levels broken up into 9 rooms. Fully implemented movement and controls with camera chase and lookahead. Complete Checkpoint System that when the player touches a Checkpoint sets their respawn to it. Complete Hazards, with spikes that send you back to the last checkpoint and animated spike blocks that move around.  Complete artistic assets with backgrounds and midgrounds as well as all other art assets. Removed Unused assets from development and cleared up file structure.

2D Side Scroller : Reflection

Covidy Shmovidy This project overall I feel went better than the last one. I didn't have any instances where I got stuck on a problem for more than an hour or so. I was also often pleasantly surprised that the solutions I came up with worked really well. The experience of taking a game project like this through all its stages was also very valuable as I was able to see a clear progression from test hall to prototype to final version. What went well. Using the art asset pack was a godsend. It made me focus on what was reasonably possible in the near future and gave me the tools to experiment with new ideas. All this without having to commit to more time spent making visual elements first, which would have been discarded anyway.  Using Tilemaps was also something that made my life a lot easier. I was able to rapidly sketch, prototype and then deploy levels and ideas with as little effort as using something like MS paint . I created 3 Layers each with different properties. The backgro...

2D Side Scroller : Code

- .... .- -. -.- / --. --- -.. / .. - ... / --- ...- . .-. .-.-.- Alot of the code I used to make Ninja Frog Training I either downloaded in the case of the character controller as seen left or made myself by following a guide. As such, these pieces of code have commented in them either as they come or as part of my following of the guides. I did, however, create the Hazard code from scratch as seen below. As you can see it checks the collider if it collides with an object with the player take it reloads the scene. I also edited the Character controller to flip the player by transforming on the Y-axis 180 rather than the method it used by default which multiplied the player's local scale by minus 1.

2D Side Scroller : Tutorial Levels

SO YOU GOTTA BOAST ABOUT IT! Getting the player to learn how to play your game is one of those challenges that every game designer faces. I decided to attempt to use the subtle method of giving the player no choice but to do the action and implying through affordance and context what to do without telling them what to do. For example at the beginning of the game the player spawns on the left against a wall. It follows then that they must move right. The player then falls into a pit. They must use the jump key to escape, then into another pit, same deal as the first except now they cant directly jump out as they have a jump off of the raised block because the wall is 3 blocks high. This teaches the player their limits without simply telling them. The pits are also just too long to jump over so a player cant accidentally miss this lesson. Next, the player enters a room where the ceiling slopes down nearly to the floor heavily implying crouching and affording them a small space to move th...

2D Side Scroller : File Structure

A place for everything and everything in its place. I made sure to keep a clean and clear file structure and naming convention for my project. This prevented me from losing any objects in the scene and allowed me to quickly fix bugs that came up as I could see exactly what I was looking at at a glance.

2D Side Scroller : Gameplay Verbs

A man was eaten by a verb. That's what happened. Verb ate'im. When coming up with ideas for my game I tried to think of all the actions a player could take as different verbs. I would then construct sentences using those verbs to represent the puzzles of each stage. For example: The player first Climbs  up the platform, then Pushes the box onto the spikes. The player then Falls from the platform onto the box then Jumps to the Checkpoint. This clearly shows the different actions the player will take in the puzzle and allows me to see what each puzzle idea is actually asking the player to do and how much in between checkpoints. if the sentences get too long then I know I need to break them up with a checkpoint. or if they get too repetitive I know I will need to vary up or rearrange the challenges.  List of verbs in my game Jump Run Crouch Push Reset Dodge Climb Fall To be clear each verb doesn't necessarily correspond to a specific mechanic. The feeling a player gets wh...

2D Side Scroller : Level Design

The Spirit level isn't as fun as it sounds The way I designed the levels was I drew out my idea using the Tilemap and one tile. Then I added in any special features such as boxes and hazards using different colour tiles as place holders. This created the basic shape of the level and allowed me to tweak it quickly as well as have the character dropped into it to test things such as can the player make this jump. All without having to worry about aesthetics yet. I got this idea from grey boxing, used mostly in 3D games it blocks out the physical features of your level or map to allow you to see more clearly the spaces that you are developing. Then once I had made any revision I would go through and paint over with the correct tiles test the level again and finally replace the place holders with the real objects such as boxes and spike blocks. Finally adding backgrounds.

2D Side Scroller : Bugs

They're everywhere! Run for your lives! I kept a log of bugs I found so I remembered to fix them later and to remember the solution should they crop up again. This really helped, as a couple of times I got the same issue long after I encountered and solved it the first time. it was simple to look at my notes and be able to see that the problem was I had missed setting up a component or that it was a unity issue that would be solved by simply restarting the program.

2D Side Scroller : Virtual Camera

Those enlightened enough to see through their third eye often forget that it's just another place they can get poked. I am using Cinemachine Virtual Camera System for my camera as it gives an easy of having a camera controller that has features such as lookahead, dead zones and dampening camera movement without me having to write it myself in what would very likely be an inferior manner. Implementing it was super easy, I simply enabled it in the package manager and then created a virtual camera game object. Then I went through the setting (seen left) until I was satisfied with the effect and it was done.

2D Side Scroller : Source Control

The Source! Not just for Hip-Hop anymore! I'm using unity's built-in 'Collaborate' feature to control my source and enable me to revert to previous versions.  I have already had one instance where something I changed broke my character controller and since I was experimenting at the time rather than spent potentially alone time fixing it I reverted to a previous version and was right back to everything working in no time at all. Using the comment system gives me a sort of version notes that tells me what each version contains. I will be creating an entirely new version for the final project but this is a good interim system that helps facilitate clear developmental progress.

2D Side Scroller : Play testing Sandbox V.1

My flesh trembles for fear of You, And I am afraid of Your judgments. -Psalm 119:120 Here is a link to my page. This is the most basic version of my game which will be built off of. It contains the ability to jump and move left and right.

2D Side Scroller : Sandbox

Code without rhythm and ... you won't attract the Bugs. I created a Sandbox project in which to build the initial version of my game. This will include a simple testing scene and the complete versions of any asset packs I use. With this as an isolated project, I can prototype without fear of ruining my actual game project and also test asset packs to see which parts are actually relevant so I don't end up with bloat in my main project.

Asset packs : Placeholder Art

Art smarter, not harder! To increase the speed at which I could get the game up and running and begin playtesting I am using the  Pixel Adventure 1  by Pixel Frog from the Unity asset store. I chose this pack because it came with a good variety of assets from player characters, terrain pieces to thing like spikes and collectables. This means I should be able to create the entire game with only this asset pack. The other reason I chose this pack is that it offered a level of clarity in its art that a lot of the other packs lacked, either because of fuzzy pixel art or a limited number of pieces to use.

2D Side Scroller : The Final Idea

When the rubber meets the road. The Panda here represents  Covid-19 During the course of recent events, it became clear to me that my time was somewhat limited in this project. As a result, I have elected to go with my first idea, the Dung beetle puzzle game. This should provide me with a decent opportunity to stretch myself in the implementation and iteration of mechanically without requiring nearly as much in terms of asset creation which for this project at least isn't one of the marking criteria anyway.  The Dung Beetle Puzzle Game is changing slightly to just a puzzle game but keeping the core idea of pushing a large ball around as its main mechanic. So the player characters job is to get the ball to its goal and then make their way to the exit of the stage. This gives me a solid and simple foundation to build some hopefully cool puzzles off of without bogging me down in extra systems, which if you refer to my previous ideas was rampant. Even when stating that I have eyes...

2D Side Scroller Ideas : Girls Night!: Catacombs of Paris

As their baleful chittering echoed ceaselessly along the walls of the catacombs, I thought "Pity the dead for they do not know to what they awaken". This game idea came to me as a platformer like 'Hollow Knight' or 'Blasphemous' with the twist that you play as something you wouldn't expect to find in a game like that like a clown or something. Then I saw this Tumblr post. This solidified the idea into a dungeon crawler in which you control night out gone wrong. The concept of controlling a group as one entity lead to some interesting ideas such as player health being displayed as the number of members in the group à la 'Pikmin' or 'Carrion'. it also made me think about what if the enemies were scared of the player and run away and your job was to catch them rather than avoid them. I would attempt to make this concept work in three levels with the first being a short series of encounters designed to show the player the controls, methods of m...

2D Sidescroller Ideas : Jester: Medieval Warfare

We walk in the garden of his turbulence! This game idea comes from two places, one is the film 2001 A Kight's Tale which is an  anachronistic ' Rocky rip-off', set in medieval Europe's tournament jousting scene. The other inspiration is this Tumblr post. The elevator pitch for this game is, You play a jester who through various methods must disrupt the fighting going on around you. These disruptions could include a mini Dance Dance Revolution game to distract the enemy combatants, or sitting up a tree and slinging insults at the other knights to disrupt there marching. It would take the anachronistic style of A Kight's Tale  using modern jokes and jabs to create an air of levity. It would also be an inherently non-spatial game using systems other than the movement of the player to drive player engagement.  The levels required to bring this idea to fruition would be one tutorial that sets up the 2-3 mini-games and then 2 escalation levels where these are built upon...